Now There's a Choice of Wood Grade with QB78 Deluxe, AR2078A, AR2078B and AR2079 Air Rifles
As many people really like to see attractive wood stocks on their air rifles, Archer Airguns has long offered a choice of wood grade - Standard and Special Select - for QB78 type air rifle wood stocks when these have been supplied as spare parts or in our QB78 Deluxe Custom Shop.
Now, for the first time, we can also offer this choice with some new airguns, specifically the QB78 Deluxe, CAR78a, AR2078A, AR2078B, AR2079A and AR2079B models. Selection is made in the pages of the Archer Airguns online store by a simple dropdown. Either you can choose standard grade wood - which is still much better than many of our customers expect! - or Special Select grade.
The Special Select grade commands a small price premium of just $15.99. Please note that Special Select grade wood is never going to look like choice Grade 2 Walnut, but it does give some attractive figuring to the wood and can make your QB78-type air rifle look very good.
Our photographs show a couple of sample Standard Grade stocks, together with two sample Special Select stocks. No two Special Select stocks look the same, but they are chosen to offer distinctly more grain and figuring than the regular stocks.
As always, there's no obligation to choose this upgrade when ordering your next air rifle, but the choice is there and for the "woodaholics" among us - including me! - this should be a tempting offer.
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